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Showing posts from March 23, 2020

Day 8: The New First Day of School

Today was our first NEW day of school. Remote school. School where I can't interact face to face with students and colleagues. It's doable but tough. So much is lost when one is only communicating with written language through a keyboard. Videoconferencing should alleviate some of this but we have to wait for permission from parents.  During my lunch, I joined a Zoom video conference hosted by Meredith Atwood. You have probably never heard of her but I've been a fan for years now.  In the triathlon world, she is known as and I've had the pleasure of meeting her.  She just published a book, " The Year of No Nonsense:How to Get Over Yourself and Get On With Your Life"   ( ) and she is now hosting daily community meet ups.  Today was a great day to participate in her Community Meet Up because her guest was Mike Reilly.  Unless you are a triathlete or are related to a ...